09 Oct 24 18:00H
A mix that took me a year to find the time and inspiration to put together, thanks to Oroko Radio for their patience!
It's made up of a few of the favourite records I've collected over the past few years, many of these haven't left my bag since I bought them. Some dub techno, UK/Bristol techno vibes, tech house, even some garage - the kind of tracks I love most and would expect to hear at my favourite venues, Venue MOT, Corsica, Nachtdigital, NYC Downlow, and plenty others. Enjoy!
Nature Unit - Nature 2
Robert Fleck - Echo Chamber
Dorisburg - Computer Drumming 135
Forest Drive West - Scanners
Adam Pits - Pest Control
Dawd - Jean Rouch
Silverlining - The Lumberjack's Call
Loopchasers - A World of Swirls (2022 Mix)
Known Artist - Get Up (Club Mix)
Comix - I Need Ya...Humm (Hybrid Remix)
Spray - Zippycher
Arkajo - Earth (Ebende Remix)
Michael McAvan - Parkway