Oroko is a not-for-profit independent internet radio station based in Accra, Ghana. We aim to connect, inspire and empower through conversation, collaboration and community.



Support the Oroko Community

Your support will enable us to continue to build and grow the station, and subsequently our global community.

Our Objectives

  • • Develop a community that further enriches the global cultural landscape.

  • • Nurture relationships with like-minded projects across the globe.

  • • Accelerate careers of artists in music, performance art, and visual art.

  • • Provide a globally recognized platform for Ghanaian, African and Diasporic voices to be heard, in their own words, as well as showcase emerging talent outside of the mainstream.

  • • Use our platform to prompt important conversations (and form solutions) to crucial social issues.

Patreon Membership

All Patreon subscriptions will go directly to support the running costs of the station, e.g.:

  • • Website maintenance, radio platform hosting, fees for online workspace, equipment, licensing, etc.

  • • Investment in community workshops for DJing, music production, artist development and more.

Check out our Patreon community membership here, if you or anyone you know would like to financially support the running and growth of the station.