10 Aug 22 15:00H
The Eden Express musketeers recently embarked on a short pilgrimage up the Ngong Hills scapes. With that came an exploration of some deep sonics, which was spearheaded by the Big Brother of the crew, Mtwotisa. Indulge in this deep house, melodic tech and grooves served hot by Mtwotisa, and backed by the Sonic Explorer, Sayankah.
Sayankah is an eclectic curator that deems himself as a Vibe-Conductor, Sonic Explorer & Taste-maker in search of sanity. He is a genre-bending selekta & music curator who draws inspiration from a variety of sounds & genres to create cohesive masterpiece playlists, DJ sets & mixes that are guilty of intriguing & enticing your ears whilst expounding your musical taste.