19 Apr 24 22:00H
Folly Ghost is a Brazilian DJ, producer and curator based in Berlin. His tracks are a collection of seductive rhythms with a fierce bass that set the mood for a celebration of bodies. He enjoys exploring a wide variety of peripheral sounds such as Jersey Club, Footwork, Ballroom Music among other diasporic beats. Influenced by his upbringing in Rio de Janeiro, mixtures of Baile Funk are often featured in his sets, however Folly Ghost's commitment is not to genres, but to creating a space for lust and delight.
Musicians of the Nile - Drums on the Nile
Cabezadenego - Hmm
DJ Kolt - Fiqexpert
Le Motel - Cuíca
BJF - Tu Tu Tu
Evehive - Supino
Umru da Vila Saudade - Fiquei Popular na Pultaria
IDLIBRA - Acid Verano
DJ Marfox - Subliminar
BJF - Pursuit
Neuropunk - Samus Walk
LaBok - Hell On Wheels
mekb0y - Já que tu tá com T
Brunoso - Tambor de Crioula
Arma - Move Tool
IDLIBRA - Memame
Ventura Profana - Poder & Glória (Aya Ibeji edit)
Klap - Aquecimento
Wost - Azaroso
Rizla Ops - Aphid (Mafou Remix)
SLACK 1NE - Meltdown
MALO2K - Trance-Batukada
Abadir - Mashup 3
Vultra - Mandela Mix
Kenya20hz and Jensen Interceptor - SARRA HA HA
Gabrieldvarte - Drum n' Berimbau