Oroko is a not-for-profit independent internet radio station based in Accra, Ghana. We aim to connect, inspire and empower through conversation, collaboration and community.


28 Feb 25 17:00H


With Fabzforeal

Inspired by "CITY AROUND THE CITY" by Tristany and "Chorus in Rememory of Flight" by Julianknxx

  • "CITY AROUND THE CITY" by Tristany

  • An artistic installation who invite viewers to reevaluate the territories they inhabit, promoting a new perspective on urban and peripheral spaces. Tristanys visions of the city and its dynamics, encouraging a deeper understanding of the interactions between inhabitants and the urban environment

  • " Chorus in Rememory of Flight" by Julianknxx

  • Is a video installation exploring themes of heritage, loss, and belonging through collaborations with choirs and Black communities across Europe, including Lisbon. The work uses choral music as a metaphor for community and cultural resilience. It was exhibited at the Barbican Centre in London from September 2023 to February 2024.