Oroko is a not-for-profit independent internet radio station based in Accra, Ghana. We aim to connect, inspire and empower through conversation, collaboration and community.

Get in, we are going to drag joy!
Get in, we are going to drag joy!
Get in, we are going to drag joy!

04 Jul 24 12:00H

Get in, we are going to drag joy!

With The Joydragger

It's July, Wake Me Up in Amethyst.

Happiness" by Paisley Rekda

  • I can wait longer than sadness. I can wait longer

  • than your grief. It is such a small thing

  • to be proud of, a garden. I watch the roses

  • open, the irises bend their purple heads

  • to the ground. I wait for the peonies

  • to bloom, their soft heads bobbing

  • in the wind. I wait for the bees to find them,

  • the hummingbirds to dart among the flowers.

  • I wait for the oriole to build its hanging nest,

  • for the finches to come and go, for the sparrows

  • to hop among the leaves. I wait for the leaves

  • to turn, the trees to bare their branches.

  • I wait for the snow, for the ground to freeze,

  • for the sap to stop rising. I wait for the sun

  • to return, for the first green shoots to push up

  • through the soil. I can wait longer than you.

  • I can wait longer than your sorrow.

  • I can wait for the world to right itself,

  • for the seasons to cycle back around.

  • I can wait for the garden to bloom again.