Oroko is a not-for-profit independent internet radio station based in Accra, Ghana. We aim to connect, inspire and empower through conversation, collaboration and community.

Green Frequencies
Green Frequencies
Green Frequencies

12 Jun 24 21:00H

Featured Show

Green Frequencies

With M I M I

I was invited by the artist Nuage, also known as Melissandre Varin, to participate in an experimental research residency at BAN Workshop in Dakar. This residency was in preparation for the launch of the exhibition "Dirty Nails (Les Ongles Noirs)" at Eastside Projects.

As I continue to process all that I felt and experienced, I have compiled a collection of field recordings taken during our stay and moments of sharing work in progress. These recordings include percussion by Maestro Almami & Maestro Adama, as well as taxi rides and conversations.

"Dirty Nails - Les Ongles Noirs" is now on display at Eastside Projects from June 8th until July 27th. The exhibition features works by Ayesha Jones, Ban Workshop, Bousebik and Eole, Bronwyn Katz, Carmen Wong, Jade Blackstock, Sym Mendez/Sym Stellium, Ibrahima Ndobe, and Wutangu.

For more information, visit Eastside Projects.